Announcing The New VIP Coaching Cycle Starting Monday, November 4, 2024
Dr Onye here, director of the VIP Coaching Program.
This is where I take you personally by the hand as your coach and walk you through my unique process of transforming your understanding of music. The focus is on practicing and PLAYING.
The program provides structure, accountability, access to a game plan, and community, among many other things.
In fact, we recently had our summer recital where dozens and dozens of students performed.
But, to the reason for this message...
Every 12 weeks, we complete a cycle and the curriculum of the program restarts from the very beginning to give students a chance to go through it again.
As you know, music is not something you can just go through once and expect to master. We've worked with enough students over the years to know that "repetition is the mother of skill."
This not only gives existing students a chance to implement things they missed last session, but new students a chance to join from the very beginning.
This month marks the beginning of the curriculum. And I'm inviting you to join us.
That's why our founder asked me to give you some insight into the curriculum and what will be covered in the brand new class, starting this month.
(Please Note: If the VIP Coaching Program is something you're interested in upgrading to, please make sure to watch the video below prepared by Brian and book a call with the team to discuss... or give us a call at 949-356-9250).
The program is broken into three separate groups: beginners, progressives (advanced beginners), and intermediates.
Since I personally evaluate your playing in our orientation meeting, this is how I decide what group you're placed in.
Based on this, we work our way, step by step, through 12 modules. The great part is that after a quarter (3 months), the curriculum repeats from another dimension or angle (because no class is exactly the same!).
This gives you the repetition needed to gain MASTERY... while having the accountability and personal feedback built in through the videos you send me (and that I respond to promptly).
Like martial arts or self defense classes, you're getting exposure to the same concepts and don't feel like we're on to the next thing before you've mastered the last. "Wax on, wax off."
But I'm getting ahead of myself. Back to the purpose of this message and the Nov 2024 - Jan 2025 schedule Jermaine asked me to share...
(Please Note: If you're interested, you're just in time to start but you should watch the video below and reach out to the team asap before we get too far in).
Beginner Class Curriculum
Module 1
How To Play Major Chords Using Color Patterns
Sharp Series Major Scales Using Color Patterns
Understanding The Major Scale (Stable vs Active Tones)
Introduction To Melody Determination
Flat Series Major Scales Using Color Patterns
Formation Of Minor Chords Using Major Chords
Module 2
Melody Determination (General Ear-Training)
Melody Determination (Diatonic Tones)
Melody Determination (Chromatic Tones)
Introduction To Root Progressions
Melodic Improvisation Using Root Progressions
Introduction To Chord Tones, Scale Tones, And Passing Tones
Module 3
The Levels Of Tonal Organization In Music
The Science Of Sound -- Frequency
Pitch: The Art of Sound
Naming Systems, Octave, And Melodic Progressions
Enharmonics And Tonal Equivalence
Module 4
The Concept Of Scale And Key
The Classification Of Scales In Music
Introduction To Traditional Scales
The Three T's Of The Natural Major Scale
Module 5
Pentatonic Scales -- Explored
Transposition Of The Major And Minor Pentatonic Scales
Spelling And Fingering Guidelines
Module 6
Introduction To Intervals
Diatonic Intervals (Major, Minor, and Perfect Intervals)
Introduction To Chromatic Intervals (Diminished And Augmented Intervals)
Inversion of Intervals (Introduction To Priority Intervals)
Module 7 - Break
Module 8
Priority Intervals: Explored
Harmonization Using Third And Sixth Intervals (Alto And Tenor Voices)
How To Harmonize The Major Scale Using Thirds And Sixths
Harmonization Of The C, F, and Bb Major Scales In Thirds And Sixths
Module 9
Review Of Melody Determination (Stable Tones, Motion, And Direction)
Review Of Melody Determination And Left Hand Bass Notes
Review Of Melody Determination And Left Hand Root Progressions
Jingle Bells (Melody And Bass Note Determination)
Ode To Joy (Melody Determination And Transposition To Other Keys)
Module 10
Introduction To The Concept Of Chords
Understanding Concord And Discord In Harmony
Introduction To Diatonic Chords (Triads And Sevenths)
Common Chords (24 of them) And Their Harmonic Function (72 roles)
How To Play Diatonic Chords In All Twelve Keys
Module 11
Introduction To The Inversion Of Chords
Demystifying Inversions Using The Concept Of Figuration
Learning And Mastering First Inversion Chords
Review Of The First Inversion And Lesson On The Second Inversion
Module 12
Review Of The 1-5-6-4 Progression In C Major
Introduction To Passing Chords
Introduction To Chromatic Chords (aka - "Passing Chords")
Module 13
Review Of Melody Determination (Principles And Procedures)
Review Of The Chord Progressions Covered So Far
How To Play Songs On The Piano As A Beginner
Progressive Class Curriculum
Module 1
How To Play Major Seventh Chords Using Mutual/Exclusive Third Intervals
Diatonic Seventh Chords (A & B Voicing Technique)
Diatonic Progressions (1-4, 6-2, 2-5-1, 3-6-2)
Transposition Tips And Approaches (Intervallic Vs Diatonic)
Clockwise Transposition Of Diatonic Seventh Chords
Counter-clockwise Transposition Of Diatonic Seventh Chords
Module 2
Diatonic Seventh Chord Study In C Major (Anointing Fall On Me / Thank You Lord)
Diatonic Seventh Chords Study In Db Major (Dew In The Morning)
Diatonic Seventh Chords Study In D Major
Introduction To Passing Chords (Complete And Incomplete)
A Study On Incomplete Passing Chords
The Dominant Seventh (Complete Passing Chord)
Module 3
Introduction To 3-Part Harmonization (Melody Meets Harmony)
Required: Inversions of Major, Minor, Dominant, and Diminished Chords
Diatonic Options For Scale Tones - Explored (1 = 1-chord, 6-chord, and 4-chord)
Harmonization Using Primary Chords
Module 4
Insights Into The Transposition Of Primary Chord Harmonization
Practicals On The Transposition Of Primary Chord Harmonization
Harmonization Using The Couple Concept
Harmonization Techniques -- Applied In REAL Songs
Putting It Together: Melody + Harmonization + Bass Note = Song
Module 5
Chord Tones Vs Non-Chord Tones
Chromatic Harmonization Of The 1-Chord
Dissecting The Chromatic Harmonization Of The 4-Chord
Understanding The Power Of The 5-chord In Chromatic Harmonization
Chromatic Harmonization Using The Neighboring Chord Couples
Harmonization of Non-Scale Tones
Module 6
Harmonization #1 (He Has Made Me Glad)
Harmonization #2 (Pass Me Not O Gentle Savior)
Harmonization #3 (Jesus Keep Me Near Thy Cross)
Harmonization #4 (I Need Thee Every Hour)
Harmonization #5 (Lord Prepare Me A Sanctuary)
Module 7 - Break
Module 8
Harmonization #6 (I Surrender All)
Harmonization #7 (Mary Had A Little Lamb)
Harmonization #8 (Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star)
Harmonization #9 (Ode To Joy)
Module 9
Harmonization Using The 1-chord, 4-chord, and 5-chord (In Review)
Review On The Use Of Diminished Chords In The Harmonization Of Non-Chord And Non-Scale Tones
Introduction To Harmonization In All 12 Keys (+Harmonization Of The 1st, 3rd, And 5th Tones In All Twelve Keys)
Harmonization Of The F and G Major Scales Using Primary Chords
Understanding The Role Of Hand Positions In Primary-Chord-Based Harmonization (+ Neighboring Chord Couple Tips)
Module 10
Part-Over-Root And Upper Structure Voicing Technique For Major And Minor Ninth Chords
Introduction To The A and B Voicing Concept (Insights On The Major and Minor 1-4 Progressions)
Review And Application Of The Voicings In A 6-2-5-1 Progression
How To Play A Major 2-5-1 Progression To The 4-chord In B-Voicing
Minor 2-5-1 Progression To The 2-Chord (+Review On The Major 2-5-1 To The 4-Chord)
Review Of The Major And Minor 2-5-1 Progressions To The 4-Chord And 2-Chord Respectively
Module 11
Introduction To Altered Chords (Definition, Formation, and Implication)
Formation And Resolution Of Altered Chords In C Major
Connecting Altered Chords To Minor Chords In The Major Key
Introduction To Dominant Chords That Resolve To Major Chords
Module 12
Review Of The Voicing Concepts So Far
Application Of Diatonic, Altered, And Dominant Chords In Progressions And Songs
Application Of The Chords And Progressions (I Worship You, Almighty God)
Blues Piano Riffs And Walk Ups To The 1-chord, 4-chord, And 5-chord
Back To The Concept Of Harmonization
Module 13
Putting It All Together (Chords, Progressions, And Riffs) Into A Song [Part 1]
Many Songs: Two Sentences, Four Phrases!!!
Stepwise Vs Cyclical Progressions
The 4-7-3-6-2-5-1 Progression
Intermediate Class Curriculum
Module 1
Introduction To The Authentic Modes (84 Modal Scales)
Introduction To Major-centric Modes (Ionian, Lydian, and Mixolydian)
Modal Triad Patterns: Mixolydian and Lydian Triad Pattern
Introduction To Minor-centric Modes (Aeolian, Dorian, and Phrygian)
Dorian Triad Patterns
Relationship Between Mixolydian & Dorian Triad Patterns
Module 2
Introduction To The Synthetic Modes Of The Harmonic Minor Scale
Harmonic Minor Scale Triads -- Explored
Harmonic Minor Scale Seventh Chords -- Explored
Introduction To The Melodic Minor Scale And Its Modes
Triads, Seventh, And Ninth Chords Of The Melodic Minor Scale
Exposed: The Secret Relationship Of The Lydian Dominant And Super Locrian
Module 3
Introduction To Voicing, Voice-Leading, Voicing Formula, And Voicing Technique
Aspects of Voicing: Allocation, Duplication, Omission, Fragmentation, Prioritization, Consideration
Chord Tone Hierarchy -- Explained (Simple vs Compound tones)
Module 4
The Part-Over-Root Voicing Technique
Explored: Dominant Voicings Using The Part-Over-Root Voicing Technique
Understanding And Transposition Of Diatonic And Chromatic Part-Over-Root Voicings
Module 5
Introduction To The Quartal Voicing Technique
Part-Over-Root Voicings -- Applied In REAL Songs
Application Of Pure Quartal Triads In The Formation Of Major And Minor Voicings
Quartal Voicings And More
The 7sus4, Maj7sus#4, and 7sus#4 Quartal Triads + Dominant Voicings
Module 6
What A Friend We Have In Jesus + Amazing Grace Using Quartal Triads
Introduction To The 3-7-9/7-3-5[13] Voicing Formula [+ A and B Voicing Technique]
Diatonic And Chromatic Chords In E Major Using Part-Over-Root And Quartal Chords
Module 7 - Break
Module 8
The "Part-Over-Root" And "A & B" Voicing Technique -- Combined
Connecting Diatonic Chords Of Similar Quality Using Part-Over-Root Ninth Chords
Major-bound and Minor-bound Dominant Chords In A and B Voicing
The Key Of A Major [Falling In Love With Jesus] Part 1
The Key Of A Major (How Great Is Our God) Part 2
Module 9
A Sharp Contrast Between A Major And D Major
Chords, Voicings, And Progressions In The Key Of Eb Major
Additional Voicings And Progressions In Eb Major
A Sharp Contrast Between Eb And Ab Major
Recap On The Keys Of A, D, Eb, and Ab Major (1-4 and 1-6-2-5 Progression)
Tritone Substitution (Eb-to-A and Ab-to-D), Song Breakdown (I Need Thee Every Hour), and Modulation
Module 10
Review Of The Upper Structure Voicing Concept
Passing Chords Using The Upper-Structure Voicing Technique
Review Of The Upper-Structure Voicing Technique Using A Varieties Of Rhythmic Fill-Ins + Modulation
The Mutual And Exclusive Fifths Of The Seventh Chords (+Double Tenths)
Introduction To Drop-Tone 4th Intervals (1-4, 2-5-1, 3-6-2-5-1, and 4-7-3-6-2-5-1 progressions)
In Your Presence (D Major [1-6-2-5 Progression + 4-7-3-6-2-5-1])
Module 11
Introduction To Harmonization
Variety Of Melody Notes Using The Inversions Of Right Hand Seventh Chords
Review Of The Melody Notes Harmonized So Far
Chromatic Chords Ending On The Third Tone Of The Scale
Chromatic Chords That End On The First And Fifth Tones Of The Scale
Module 12
Review Of The Chromatic Chords Ending On The First, Third, And Fifth Tones Of The Scale
Chromatic Chords Ending On The Second Tone Of The Scale (Anointing Fall On Me & He Is Lord)
Chromatic Chords That End On The Seventh Tone (+Review Of Chord Voicings)
Review Of All The Chromatic Chords So Far (+Hallelujah)
Melodic Chord Progressions (Using A Variety Of Melodies To Play Progressions)
Review Of The Diatonic And Chromatic Chords Learned So Far
He Is Lord (Harmonization)
Harmonization Of "Because He Lives"
Module 13
Review Of "He Is Lord" And "Because He Lives"
Playing "Tasty" Progressions To The 1 and 4
Review Of Chromatic Voicings
How To Craft 1-6-2-5 Progressions (With Or Without Passing Chords)
Review Of Diatonic Chords Ending On A Variety Of Melody Notes
Stepwise vs Cyclical Progressions
Let me be very clear: This program is rigorous and comprehensive.
It is not for:
-The faint of heart.
-Those with overwhelming/busy evening schedules.
-Those not serious and committed to growth.
When you enter this program, you will be challenged beyond your deepest imagination.
If this sounds like what you need:
-Having someone hold you accountable to practicing and putting in more time at the piano...
-Knowing exactly what you should be practicing based on a roadmap or structured plan (like the monthly curriculums above)...
-Being amongst other players at the same, exact level as you, cheering you on and supporting you as you support them...
...Then click over to the page and book one of the remaining slots for the week in the team's calendar and they'll explain everything to you.
I'd personally love to work with you, if you and the enrollment team find that the program is the right fit for you.
Thank you for your time,
Dr Onye
Warning: This is not a “magic pill’’ or “piano hack.” Only serious students need apply.
Trying to figure out what to work on should not be a big secret. With personalized sessions from elite educators, you'll have the right techniques at the right time, every time.
Learn & engage at a comfortable pace
Practice in a fun and rewarding way
Understand and retain what you learn and play
Enhance your technical skills and sound
Develop expressive playing skills in a fun, interactive way
Develop a stronger, more responsive ear
You’ll never want to stop playing after you work with our team to reach your musical goals and dreams. A lot of people think that learning an instrument is difficult, but with the right program and personalized attention, it can be simple and enjoyable! Our coaches will walk you through the process on how to play and remember your favorite songs in no time at all. Everyone should participate, whether they are a beginner or a pro!
Feel like a pro and also put smiles on people’s faces when they hear how incredible an instrument can really sound!
Set yourself apart from the crowd by developing a unique sound that is just yours. It’s time to shine!
You’ll never feel overwhelmed with information when you are accepted into our Holy Grail Program. Beginner and intermediate players can advance their skills with personalized support from our world-class faculty, using our curriculum.
Practice is more efficient when you know exactly what you’re working towards. During our sessions we will identify your specific targets and goals and help you reach them.
Real-Time Feedback
Practice is more efficient when you know exactly what you’re working towards. During our sessions we will identify your specific targets and goals and help you reach them.
Customized Training Plans
Your piano journey will be supported by our instructors every step of the way. Learn to play the piano on your own with personalized sessions created and taught by an expert.
Weekly Assignments
Making the most of your music education by getting weekly assignments to do on your own.
Weekend Bootcamps
We offer weekend bootcamps to help you make progress even faster.
Semi-Annual Recitals
Taking part in a recital or performance to overcome shyness and stage fright. And Finally get the chance to showcase all of their hard work throughout the year.
Our C.O.A.C.H.I.N.G. Promise
How It Works:
- A minimum of 3 group zoom classes per week, up to daily classes (if your schedule allows).
- Recording and playback of all sessions so you never miss anything.
- Additional literature (pdfs, guides, exercise books) to facilitate retention.
- Short video tutorials based on group needs.
- Virtual practicing bootcamps on selected weekends.
- WhatsApp accountability group and community with fellow students.
- One-on-one scheduled zoom lessons with Dr Onye.
- Semi-annual Zoom recital to demonstrate what you've achieved.
There are a lot of things I won’t share here, but trust me - this will help you make the greatest amount of progress in your playing in record time.
We are only able to accept 100 students into the coaching program at any given time.
58 spots are already taken.
This is the comprehensive solution for all pianists desiring to improve their craft while playing by ear. The holistic approach addresses not only how pianist play their instrument, but how they "think" about their craft with a clear and concise process that produces mastery.
Kay Larry
The VIP coaching program provides a mentor, coach, leader and teacher into one. His name is Dr. Onye who has over 20 years of experience. He brings forth passion and the desire for his students to grow. This also translates to a passionate VIP coaching community of all levels. This team over delivers and Dr. Onye goes above and beyond which provides a lot of value to fellow students. If your stuck and. Want to get to next level, or maybe just want to strengthen your music theory concepts and use it for music production the VIP coaching program is perfect for you!
David Sertile
Dr Onye’s teaching in the VIP coaching program is showing me the best way to practice to achieve my music goals. In the last few months I have improved my listening skills and have learned music concepts to use to be a better player.
Becky Bahas
Only 42 spots are available at this time. Act Fast.
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