Download Our 78-pg "Beginner's Guide To Gospel Piano"
An "A-to-Z" guide for getting started playing gospel piano!
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Ready to take things to the next level? Want to keep the learning going?
Try The #1 Platform For Aspiring Gospel Piano Learners For Just $1
Whether you want to play for your church or simply enjoy playing piano in the comfort of your own home, the Gospel Music Training Center can help.
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From introductory material to mind-blowing, world-renowned guest expert lessons. A-Z.
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Develop a strong understanding of core concepts and techniques for playing gospel music.
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Plus, you'll get "The 100: Gospel Grammar System" Course!
No matter your level of experience, we'll walk you through the process from the very beginning, right up to the point where you can play your favorite gospel songs on the piano without feeling frustrated or defeated.