Worth of ‘PURE’ Gospel Music Mastery For Free
(Just For Saying MAYBE!) YOU JUST HAVE TO SAY “I will think about it”
and the gift is yours…for free!!
Get A 30 Day Trial To The Gospel Music Training Center And Get $457.00 In Gifts For FREE!
TAKE A QUICK LOOK AT WHAT MUSICIANS ARE ABLE TO ACCOMPLISH AFTER APPLYING THE STRATEGIES AND TECHNIQUES…I’M ABOUT TO SHARE WITH YOU…– Dewain Dixon | Gospel Enthusiast– Lee Wilks | Gospel Enthusiast– Brandon Forte | Gospel Enthusiast– Min. Chadwick Keyser| Gospel Enthusiast
Congregations Can’t Tell A Rookie Piano Player From A Seasoned Musician
No matter your level of experience, I’ll walk you through the
process from the beginning up until the point where you
can play your favorite songs on the piano
without any difficulties!
From: Jermaine Griggs
Rancho Santa Margarita, California
Dear Musician,
As a music educator and piano professional, I’ve had the privilege to work with musicians of all levels.
From beginners to seasoned professionals, my goal has been two things: To help people learn how to play their favorite gospel songs—and have fun doing it!
And thanks to what we created at Gospel Music Training Center (GMTC),this dream is becoming more real than ever before—literally changing lives around every corner of the world.
If you want to increase your memory retention by 700%, develop expressive playing skills, enhance your technical skills, develop a stronger and more responsive ear, improve your accuracy, fluidity and speed of play…
So You Can Finally Play
Whatever You Want Whenever You Want… reading because in this short message I will teach you how to apply the “core principles” we used
to teach and inspire close to 1,000,000 musicians online at the Gospel Music Training Center.
PLUS! You’ll have the chance to get your hands on over
$457.00 worth of “real-world” gospel piano resources
absolutely FREE!
Now, you’re probably wondering,“Why on earth would I get over $457.00 worth of gospel piano material for free?” Because after all, if it’s “free” then how valuable can it really be, right? I get it. So I’ll be 100% honest with you… I’M DOING THIS FOR THREE REASONS:

As a gospel musician, I’ve been around for a long time. I truly believe that by implementing the strategies and techniques presented on this page, you will see INCREDIBLE results in your piano playing abilities in a short period of time… no matter what level you are at…

You might be surprised by what amazing musicians within our community are willing to share with you! Let’s be honest, if I can help you Play The Songs You Love… Take control of your sound… Stay on top of your progress… all while sitting at home… would it make any sense not to?

We want everyone who goes through our program to be so good that if they played in front of a congregation, no one would be able to tell if they’ve been playing for 6-months or for over 40 years.
The fact that you are here today is divine…
Before I tell you about your gifts, allow me to introduce myself and tell you a little story about how I came to play and master Gospel piano…Hello, my name is Jermaine Griggs and I’m the founder of the Gospel Music Training Center one of the fastest growing Gospel Piano Training Centers in the world.It has been a long, hard journey, but as most people say, nothing worth having comes easy.
Hearing people say that I came out of the womb playing piano is hilarious to me because I was absolutely horrible when I first started!
I remember the beginning of my journey as if it were yesterday…
It was a beautiful Sunday Morning and I had been invited by my mom’s friend to play the piano at her church…
After hearing me play, my mom’s friend went and told all of her friends how great of a player I was and that I was something of a child prodigy when it came to playing the piano…
Now, one important thing to note is that back in the day, my mom’s friend attended a Pentecostal Church, which was a little different than the Baptist Church we attended. If you’ve ever had the chance to visit a Pentecostal Church and a Baptist Church, you’d know right away they are different for various reasons, with the main reason being the way they like to worship…
Baptist Churches tend to have slower tempo music. Pentecostal Churches on the other hand, like to get down with very fast tempo music and they believe in very long, dynamic periods of shouting and high praise!
I remember one of the pastors from the Pentecostal Church would always say, “if we didn’t shout and praise the roof off this building, then we don’t have a church!”
Despite being out of my comfort zone or not being at a church that I am more familiar with, I felt confident because I was pretty good at playing shouting music.
Looking back, I was a little too confident and if you keep reading, you’ll see why below…
So, here I was in this Pentecostal Church, with an energetic crowd ready to get their praise on…
Now, what you’re about to find out below is kind of embarrassing, but because it plays a very crucial role in my journey, I’m going to have to put my pride aside and tell you all the whole story without sugar coating or keeping any details out.
This experience is what led me to excel and become a piano player that could play ANY gospel song. And since you’re taking the time to read this, I think it’s safe to assume you want the same.Now, going back to my story. As everybody poured into the church (it had to be around 400 people), I proceeded to take my seat at the piano…
The service was going really well, the Pastor was full of energy and life and everyone was having a great time!
That is, until they started singing this one worship song, which was fairly simple, but it was in keys like E and B which are guitar worship keys and at the time, I wasn’t too familiar with those keys.
And I couldn’t follow along for the life of me!
Believe me when I tell you I tried so hard to keep up! It got to a point where I was throwing the entire song off. And to make matters worse, EVERYONE could tell that I was the one messing it up because there was just no way I could play it off as if it weren’t me.
I got to the point where I couldn’t even “fake it till I made it.” I just stopped playing and let the rest of the band carry the song.
What made it so embarrassing was the fact that it wasn’t a complex song at all!
Things proceeded to get pretty awkward. I could see the guitar player grinning, and the vocalist even turned around to look at me.
“This is supposed to be the wonder kid? Ha! You gotta be kidding me!” Now, no one actually said this directly to my face, but judging from the looks on their faces, they might as well just have said it!I felt like I had made a huge mistake agreeing to play and that I had failed to live up to the expectations of everyone in the church…
And to make matters worse, after service I had to deal with the uncomfortable stares…
As I walked over to my mom, she looked at me with a confused look and asked, “what happened baby?”
I tried to explain… “I couldn’t play the song in the right key because I’m not used to playing those keys in our church.”
And of course my younger sister, who’s also a singer, had to add her two cents. She walks over to me, completely aware that I’m already embarrassed, and says,
“Oh brother, you need to work on that!”
That day couldn’t end quickly enough…
Although the advice was unsolicited, on the car ride home, I decided that it would be in my best interest to take my sister’s advice…
I made a vow to myself that “I would never allow myself to feel embarrassed by a congregation again.”
I promised myself that I’d learn every worship chord, worship pattern and every worship progression…
That day became my turning point and thanks to that embarrassing experience, I ended up uncovering an effective, yet simple way to master any gospel song.
And that includes songs you’ve never heard before! The method I discovered is one that works for just about anyone… and works every time…The fact that you are here today is divine…
Before I tell you about your gifts, allow me to introduce myself and tell you a little story about how I came to play and master Gospel piano…Hello, my name is Jermaine Griggs and I’m the founder of the Gospel Music Training Center one of the fastest growing Gospel Piano Training Centers in the world.
It has been a long, hard journey, but as most people say, nothing worth having comes easy.
Hearing people say that I came out of the womb playing piano is hilarious to me because I was absolutely horrible when I first started!
I remember the beginning of my journey as if it were yesterday…
It was a beautiful Sunday Morning and I had been invited by my mom’s friend to play the piano at her church…
After hearing me play, my mom’s friend went and told all of her friends how great of a player I was and that I was something of a child prodigy when it came to playing the piano…
Now, one important thing to note is that back in the day, my mom’s friend attended a Pentecostal Church, which was a little different than the Baptist Church we attended. If you’ve ever had the chance to visit a Pentecostal Church and a Baptist Church, you’d know right away they are different for various reasons, with the main reason being the way they like to worship…
Baptist Churches tend to have slower tempo music. Pentecostal Churches on the other hand, like to get down with very fast tempo music and they believe in very long, dynamic periods of shouting and high praise!
I remember one of the pastors from the Pentecostal Church would always say, “if we didn’t shout and praise the roof off this building, then we don’t have a church!”
Despite being out of my comfort zone or not being at a church that I am more familiar with, I felt confident because I was pretty good at playing shouting music.
Looking back, I was a little too confident and if you keep reading, you’ll see why below…
So, here I was in this Pentecostal Church, with an energetic crowd ready to get their praise on…
Now, what you’re about to find out below is kind of embarrassing, but because it plays a very crucial role in my journey, I’m going to have to put my pride aside and tell you all the whole story without sugar coating or keeping any details out.
This experience is what led me to excel and become a piano player that could play ANY gospel song. And since you’re taking the time to read this, I think it’s safe to assume you want the same.
Now, going back to my story. As everybody poured into the church (it had to be around 400 people), I proceeded to take my seat at the piano…
The service was going really well, the Pastor was full of energy and life and everyone was having a great time!
That is, until they started singing this one worship song, which was fairly simple, but it was in keys like E and B which are guitar worship keys and at the time, I wasn’t too familiar with those keys.
And I couldn’t follow along for the life of me!
Believe me when I tell you I tried so hard to keep up! It got to a point where I was throwing the entire song off. And to make matters worse, EVERYONE could tell that I was the one messing it up because there was just no way I could play it off as if it weren’t me.
I got to the point where I couldn’t even “fake it till I made it.” I just stopped playing and let the rest of the band carry the song.
What made it so embarrassing was the fact that it wasn’t a complex song at all!
Things proceeded to get pretty awkward. I could see the guitar player grinning, and the vocalist even turned around to look at me.
“This is supposed to be the wonder kid? Ha! You gotta be kidding me!” Now, no one actually said this directly to my face, but judging from the looks on their faces, they might as well just have said it!I felt like I had made a huge mistake agreeing to play and that I had failed to live up to the expectations of everyone in the church…
And to make matters worse, after service I had to deal with the uncomfortable stares…
As I walked over to my mom, she looked at me with a confused look and asked, “what happened baby?”
I tried to explain… “I couldn’t play the song in the right key because I’m not used to playing those keys in our church.”
And of course my younger sister, who’s also a singer, had to add her two cents. She walks over to me, completely aware that I’m already embarrassed, and says,
“Oh brother, you need to work on that!”
That day couldn’t end quickly enough…
Although the advice was unsolicited, on the car ride home, I decided that it would be in my best interest to take my sister’s advice…
I made a vow to myself that “I would never allow myself to feel embarrassed by a congregation again.”
I promised myself that I’d learn every worship chord, worship pattern and every worship progression…
That day became my turning point and thanks to that embarrassing experience, I ended up uncovering an effective, yet simple way to master any gospel song.
And that includes songs you’ve never heard before! The method I discovered is one that works for just about anyone… and works every time…
Can A Method I Discovered Help You Learn & Retain Every Chord, Pattern and Progress… Even With Songs You’ve Never Heard Before?The short answer is yes…
But let me give you the details in just a bit…
Despite the fact that I play the piano well, I’m no different from you in many ways:
I was just lucky enough to stumble upon a really simple, step-by-step formula that works for people who want to see amazing results when learning to play their favorite gospel songs…
The system you are about to see will allow people just like us… regular people… to experience something we’ve only ever dreamed of experiencing.

Vickie Winans
Gospel Singer
Jermaine Griggs is absolutely a genius, teaching people all over the world how to play gospel music on the keyboard, by ear! I think it’s phenomenal! God bless you and be prosperous!
This method became the core of everything we shared with the Gospel Community and honestly, it took on a life of its own.
We created hours of fundamental lessons for beginners that would allow them to develop a strong understanding of core concepts and strategies.
Weekly new lessons which meant you could play the songs you love.
Establishe Your Own Unique Style To Incorporate With Your Favorite Gospel Songs
We had systems, techniques, and strategies, and we had it all organized in a beautifully crafted HD video.In short, we had documented and systemized all aspects of a gospel musician’s path to success.
We also wanted to create a private community of fellow gospel musicians so we could share and discuss interesting techniques and ideas.
And our platform was going to be the tool we would use to encourage new members to join our ranksWell, I’m pleased to report that it has worked for over 30,000 members all over the world. The 30,000 gospel students has become the largest community of gospel musicians on planet earth.
In short, we had documented and systemized all aspects of a gospel musician’s path to success.
We also wanted to create a private community of fellow gospel musicians so we could share and discuss interesting techniques and ideas.
And our platform was going to be the tool we would use to encourage new members to join our ranksWell, I’m pleased to report that it has worked for over 30,000 members all over the world. The 30,000 gospel students has become the largest community of gospel musicians on planet earth.IF YOU’RE AS PASSIONATE ABOUT PLAYING THE PIANO LIKE ME, EVERY WEEK FEELS LIKE YOUR BIRTHDAY!
There are more than 800 gospel songs in all 12 keys! Classic, traditional, contemporary, CCM, choir, seasonal, and more!
You can download mp3, mp4, midi file, backing track (drums, bass, auxiliaries), sheet music, and more!
Get Access To Organ lessons with virtual keyboards that show upper/lower registers AND the bass pedal!
There are dozens of song styles and lesson categories in ALL 12 KEYS! Give yourself a challenge by taking lessons in major keys you want to learn!
Lessons and quizzes to make sure you understand what you’re playing, once and for all!
New lessons are released every Monday, so you’re always challenged to learn more!In Celebration Of Becoming The #1 Resource For Gospel Musicians…WE WANT TO GIFT YOU OVER
$457.00 WORTH OF GOSPEL MUSIC TRAINING FOR FREE!Additionally, when you test out the Gospel Music Training Center for a full 30 days, you’ll also receive a 1:1 Strategy Call with our team… absolutely free!
I cannot emphasize enough how amazing this is – it might be the greatest resource for gospel musicians around the globe!You’ll get access to the most comprehensive online piano playing resource for gospel musicians, which will teach you timeless piano playing principles for exponential growth and long-term happiness… no more “scavenging youtube” or jumping from 1 instructor to another in search of results.BUT THAT’S NOT ALL!Additionally, you’ll get a 1:1 call with a member of our team, who will analyze your current skills and ensure that you are on the right path.We have spent hundreds of thousands dollars designing, testing, and implementing our proven program, so we can show you what works and what doesn’t, so you’ll never need to waste your time on useless tutorials again!AND THE BEST PART IS THAT

Song Tutor Basic Version
Import midi files from each lessons and all over the internet, slow down songs, transpose the key, and learn step-by-step.

GospelKeys 202 Digital Course
Our first worship course, a staple in gospel music instruction, you’ll learn a step-by-step process to play classic worship songs.

ChristmasKeys Digital Course
As the winter holidays approach, there’s no better time to learn some of your favorite Christmas songs.

Worship Warrior (9 lessons)
These are select bonus worship lessons you won’t have to use your credits for; Lessons like “I Love You Lord” and “You Deserve It.”

Pro Praiser Lessons (12 lessons)
These are select bonus praise lessons you won’t have to use your credits for; Lessons like “The Lord Is Blessing Me” and “The Lord Is Blessing Me.”

Hymn Hero (10 lessons)
These are select bonus hymn lessons you won’t have to use your credits for; Lessons like “I Surrender All” and “How Great Thou Art.”

Contemporary Conqueror (14 lessons)
These are select bonus contemporary song lessons you won’t have to use your credits for; Lessons like “Jesus Will” and “I’ve Seen Him Work.”

Traditional Transformation (12 lessons)
These are select bonus traditional lessons you won’t have to use your credits for; Lessons like “Just A Closer Walk With Thee” and “God Is A Good God.”

Common Sense-sation (10 lessons)
These are select topical lessons you won’t have to use your credits for like “Common Worship Patterns” and “Drop 2 Voicings.”

Holiday Hiatus (10 lessons)
These are select bonus Christmas lessons you won’t have to use your credits for; Lessons like “I’ll Be Home For Christmas” and “Emmanuel.”

GMTC Foundation Lessons
This comprises over 35 step-by-step lessons designed to take you from the total beginning and show you the basics and fundamentals of gospel music (see below for full list).

Musician Xplosion 20-Hour Course
This 50-lesson course comprises 10 world-class musicians teaching you their secrets to the 10 dimensions of the church service (praise, shouting, transitional/talk, traditional/hymns, etc) in all 12 keys!

Song Stamina Series
This program specializes in helping you with rhythm, coordination, and productive practicing habits by breaking a song into 10 levels of exercises from beginner to experienced sessions.

Chord Cardio Series
In this program, you’ll learn to practice all inversions of chords in all 12 keys, with backing tracks. This is a musical workout program for the piano.
TAKE A QUICK LOOK AT WHAT MUSICIANS ARE ABLE TO ACCOMPLISH AFTER APPLYING THE STRATEGIES AND TECHNIQUESI’M ABOUT TO SHARE WITH YOU…–qk8m8– Kenny Thortan | Gospel Enthusiast– Steven Stapleton | Gospel Enthusiast– Adrian Stewart | Gospel Enthusiast Vince Wilson | Gospel EnthusiastSO WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?
Get A 30 Day Trial To The Gospel Music Training Center And Get $457.00 In Gifts For FREE!
You just have to say “I will think about it” and
you can have ALL of this!
Song Tutor Basic Version
GospelKeys 202 Digital Course
ChristmasKeys Digital Course
Worship Warrior (9 lessons)
Pro Praiser Lessons (12 lessons)
Hymn Hero (10 lessons)
Contemporary Conqueror (14 lessons)
Traditional Transformation (12 lessons)
Common Sense Station (10 lessons)
Holiday Hiatus (10 lessons)
GMTC Foundation Lessons
Musician Xplosion 20-Hour Course
Song Stamina Series
Chord Cardio Series
GospelKeys Core Essentials
Song Tutor Basic Version
GospelKeys 202 Digital Course
ChristmasKeys Digital Course
Worship Warrior (9 lessons)
Pro Praiser Lessons (12 lessons)
Hymn Hero (10 lessons)
Contemporary Conqueror (14 lessons)
Traditional Transformation (12 lessons)
Common Sense Station (10 lessons)
Holiday Hiatus (10 lessons)
GMTC Foundation Lessons
Musician Xplosion 20-Hour Course
Song Stamina Series
Chord Cardio Series
GospelKeys Core Essentials
Total $457.00
Get A 30 Day Trial To The Gospel Music Training Center And Get $457.00 In Gifts For FREE!
SO, WHAT’S THE CATCH…?As I mentioned in the beginning, I am giving you this gift as a bribe, so you can test out the Gospel Music Training Center.Why would I do this?Well, there are actually a few reasons…

Here’s our way of saying THANK YOU for being a dedicated HearandPlay and Gospel Music Training System subscriber. We appreciate your support and wanted to do something truly special for you!

We have enjoyed serving you these last twenty years, and we are looking forward to what the future holds!

We get our content in your hands, and when you see how awesome it is, it will get you excited to share our training with your family and friends.
Why Time Is Of The Essence…The insane pricing (99% off) won’t last long as we are selling out memberships fast. As soon as we hit our target number, we will be raising the prices back to full price. It’s simple supply and demand and it’s happening here in real time.
So NOW is the time to lock in your membership before it’s too late!
“Do you have a guarantee?”You Bet. Matter Of Fact,I HaveTHREE Guarantees For You!

Guarantee # 1 – No Questions Asked Cancelation Policy
If you enroll in the Gospel Music Training Center and you don’t love it or don’t see immediate results, you can cancel anytime you want with no questions or hassles.

Guarantee # 2 – GMTC Support For Success
We guarantee support. We know the journey of becoming a gospel piano player can be hard, with plenty of bumps and unforeseen turns. That’s why if you have any questions or hang-ups on how to use our material, you’ll be able to reach our team via email and receive a response within a 24-hours.

Guarantee # 3 – YOU will be Empowered!
We want everyone who completes our program to be so good that if they played in front of a congregation, no one would know if they’ve been playing for 2 years or 40 years.
How can I have such a powerful guarantee?
- Because our program works.
The strategies taught here have worked for thousands of gospel musicians all over the world and have allowed the Gospel Music Training Center to grow significantly!
Imagine if you used just ONE strategy taught within the community… and you begin to see positive results in your playing almost instantly.
What would you be willing to pay for just ONE piece of advice?
$1,000…? $2,000…?
Well, today, all you have to say is “maybe” and the gift is yours… for FREE!
Get A 30 Day Trial To The Gospel Music Training Center And Get $457.00 In Gifts For FREE!
Here’s What To Do Next…All that’s left is to finalize the details and set up your membership account!
Click on the blue button below right now, and we can finally get started!
It is my pleasure to welcome you as a new member of our community, and I thank you for taking the time to read this letter.
Talk soon,
Jermaine Griggs
Total $457.00
Get A 30 Day Trial To The Gospel Music Training Center And Get $457.00 In Gifts For FREE!
P.S. In case you’re one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here’s the deal:
I’m giving you access to over $457.00 in bonuses including the “Music Theory Collection” when you get started today!
In addition, you will gain access to the most comprehensive online piano playing resource for gospel musicians, which will teach you timeless piano playing principles for exponential growth and long-term happiness… you will not have to scour YouTube or jump from teacher to teacher to find what you need.
And if you don’t like the GMTC – you can cancel your membership without any questions asked!
Does that sound fair? If so, what are you waiting for? Join the Gospel Music Training Center right now!
Get A 30 Day Trial To The Gospel Music Training Center And Get $457.00 In Gifts For FREE!